Images @ Melonpopzdropz Flickr
Making your own seasoning is much nicer and it is a way to use your crusts if no one wants these. That way this is not wasted.
Wasting food is a sign of the loss of connection to the universe and to nature. One should try to use or give away food and never to waste it. Storage and thought will overcome wastage.
Grab 2 pieces of bread and tear into tiny pieces in a bowl
Chop 1 onion finely
Place with Bread in bowl
Add herbs, Parsley Thyme, chives, Salt and Pepper and chicken seasoning in a jar stuff
Beat an Egg and put that in also
A dash of cayenne pepper for a little bit more flavor
Mix all of this well with your hands and take small handful's and shove this up the chook's bum
after you have rinsed it with clean water. Keep putting handfuls in until the entire cavity is full of this mixture. Then take a big needle and ordinary cotton is fine and a couple of big stitches to keep all this nice and closed so it doesn't come out during the cooking.
There you go, that is how simple it is. You can vary this recipe to your own tastes but basically its the bread and egg to hold it together and your imagination.